Monday, April 30, 2012

ROMEO this week: China, Part II

ROMEO meets on Wednesday at 10:00 AM.  This week's meeting will be covering:

China, Part II
In his first talk, Carson Tavenner presented an overview on China, that hugely significant yet little understood country that is changing our expectations of the 21st century.  We hear about China almost every day, but what is it?  We know it’s old, but so what?  We know it’s an economic powerhouse, but what does that mean?  In this second of a series of talks, Carson will focus on some of the more specific politics, history, language, people, culture and current events, in response to questions asked by the group. 
Heinz Lycklama has also traveled in China and will share some of his experiences and thoughts. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gleneagle Clean Up Days

Gleneagle Clean Up Days are taking place on Saturday April 28th and Saturday May 5th.  What does this mean?  These are days that we are encouraging all Gleneagle residents to get out there and get your yard and flower beds ready for the year and anyone participating gets the added benefit of a discount on compost, mulch, and stone products.

Ryan Nobach, a Gleneagle resident and owner of Nobach's, is offereing a 15 percent discount on compost, mulch and stone products on those days.  Additionally, you can have any of these delivered if you meet the three yard minimum.  If you don't need three yards, you could get together with a neighbor and split the load.  The discount applies to both delivery and pick-up purchases.

Nobach's is located on 172nd by the art store and across from the airport.  Call 360.435.7060 for delivery.

(This is a Board-approved activity.)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ROMEO This Week: Cameroon Trip Report

ROMEO meets Wednesday at 10:00 A.M.

For the meeting on April 25, 2012 Heinz and Gerda Lycklama recently came back from their trip to Cameroon.  Heinz will give a report on what's happening in Africa and what it's like to
travel to/from and in Cameroon.  He will show some slides taken during their two-week visit and comment on the living conditions in Cameroon. The role of the Chinese in Africa will also be discussed.

Also, there will be a dedication of the new railroad station in downtown Arlington next Saturday, the 28th of April--it really should be an interesting event--and there will be a couple of vintage automobiles (provided it doesn't rain) to be parked in front of the station.  There will be a display of intriguing, fully restored old gas-powered equipment from the very early 1900's and a Dixieland band.  The program starts at 11:30 AM and will run to about 2:00 PM.

Monday, April 16, 2012

ROMEO This Week: China, Part I

ROMEO meets on Wednesday, April 18th at 10:00 AM.

The topic this week: China, Part I
Carson Tavenner will present an overview on China, that hugely significant yet little understood country that is changing our expectations of the 21st century.  We hear about China almost every day, but what is it?  We know it’s old, but so what?  We know it’s an economic powerhouse, but what does that mean?  In this first of a series of talks, Carson will broadly reveal the politics, history, language, people, culture and current events defining what China is today, and its significance to the United States.  By giving us a broad overview first, he intends to find out what specific areas would be of most interest and assistance to us for future presentations.
Meeting to be conducted by Frank Barden.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gleneagle Clean-up Days

Gleneagle Clean Up Days are taking place on Saturday April 28th and Saturday May 5th.  What does this mean?  These are days that we are encouraging all Gleneagle residents to get out there and get your yard and flower beds ready for the year and anyone participating gets the added benefit of a discount on compost, mulch, and stone products.

Ryan Nobach, a Gleneagle resident and owner of Nobach's, is offereing a 15 percent discount on compost, mulch and stone products on those days.  Additionally, you can have any of these delivered if you meet the three yard minimum.  If you don't need three yards, you could get together with a neighbor and split the load.  The discount applies to both delivery and pick-up purchases.

Nobach's is located on 172nd by the art store and across from the airport.  Call 360.435.7060 for delivery.

(This is a Board-approved activity.)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

We Need Your Recommendations!

Once the new website is up and running, one feature that will be available is a Professional Directory.  There was something similar to this on the old website and the goal is to take that idea and make it better. The Professional Directory will feature the recommendations of Gleneagle residents for a variety of professional services.

This is where you come in.  Have you had your roof redone and loved the guy who did it?  Do you get your windows cleaned by a fantastic company and think other people should know about it?  Send in the name and contact info of any company you have used and liked with a quick word of recommendation and your name. These will get listed on the new website for other Gleneagle residents to see.

Thanks for your help!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Brunch

There will be an Easter Brunch held at the Gleneagle Family Restaurant on Sunday April 8th starting at 10:00 AM.

In addition to the restaurant's standard breakfast fare, you can expect to find these delicious foods:
  • Fire Ball Ham
  • Lemon Pepper Turkey
  • Prime Rib
  • Assorted salads and sides
You can call to make reservations, but reservations are not required.

Prices are as follows:
  • Adults:      $19.99
  • Seniors:    $16.99
  • Children ages 6-12:     $14.99
  • Children age 5 and under are FREE
If you have questions or to make a reservation, call (360) 474.9955.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Gleneagle Easter Egg Hunt

Calling all kids!  The Gleneagle Family Restaurant is hosting an Easter egg hunt for kids up to age 12.  Come by the clubhouse at noon on Sunday April 8th and get ready to hunt for some eggs.  The egg hunt will be held out in the tent and kids will be divided into three groups:

  • ages 4 and under
  • ages 5 to 8
  • ages 9 to 12

Get Ready for Spring with Haggen and the Garden Club

The Arlington Haggen Market & Pharmacy is sponsoring their Potting Day on Saturday, April 21st and has invited the Arlington Garden Club to participate.  It works like this: bring your empty containers to Haggen between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM and the Garden Club members will help you select your plants.  You pay for your plants and then the Garden Club members will pot your plants using Black Gold potting soil donated by Haggen.  You cannot beat a deal like this!  Do your grocery shopping, save yourself some work and get ready for Spring all in one stop!