Please, please, please do the following to protect yourself:
- Get a locking mailbox.
- Deposit outgoing mail in a locked box. There is a blue postal box on East Country Club Drive that you can use.
- Call the police if you experience theft of any kind.
Yes, a locking mailbox is expensive. And yes, it takes a little extra time to drive or walk to a locked outgoing mailbox. BUT, is forgoing the extra expense and time worth having your money or identity stolen?
It would be great to live in a world where you could leave your mail unsecured, but unfortunately we don't and it is foolhardy to leave yourself unprotected.
How many years have we been dealing with mail thefts now ? The HOA Board of Directer's a few years ago, started on a project that would enable all of those that wanted to, to switch to a locking box. As I understand it, the mail stands as they are now, are not big enough to accommodate any more locking boxes. This means that those that do NOT have a locking box, are completely at the mercy of the mail thieves and can not do a thing about it. The Board needs to continue making it possible for people to have safe mail one way or another...either with the ugly cluster boxes or redoing mail stands to enable ALL to have a locking box. Having a problem without a solution for so many years, is just intolerable.