Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Gleneagle Connection is going digital!

Just in case you haven't heard, our community's newsletter, the Gleneagle Connection, will soon be available in a digital format.  What does this mean?  Instead of receiving a paper copy, you will receive a digital (.pdf) copy to read on your computer (or print) at your leisure.  This saves the Association money in both printing and postage costs and saves a lot of paper.

If you are interested, you can send Judy Ness an e-mail with both your e-mail and physical address so we can remove you from the physical mailing list and start sending you the digital copy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Flood Warning

This warning via the National Weather Service on February 21, 2012.

The National Weather Service in Seattle has Issued A * Flood Warning For The Stillaguamish River at Arlington. * from this Evening to Late Wednesday Night. * At 1:25pm Tuesday the Stage was 6.2 Feet. * Flood Stage is 14.0 Feet. * Minor Flooding is Forecast. * Forecast, the River will Rise Above Flood Stage around 10 Pm Tuesday and Crest near 17.1 Feet around 4am Wednesday. The River will Fall Below Flood Stage Wednesday Afternoon. * Impact, at 17.0 Feet, the Stillaguamish River will Cause Flooding Mainly in the Silvana Area, Along Norman Road, and in Florence. A Stage of 17 Feet on the Stillaguamish River Corresponds Roughly to Phase 3 in the Snohomish county Flood Program.

Flood Bulletin No. 2 Heavy Rain Started this Morning in the Central Cascades and Will Continue Into tomorrow Morning. storm total Precipitation Amounts are Expected to be 4 to 7 Inches. The Snow Level will Rise to 6000 to 7000 Feet today Meaning Most of the Mountain Precautionary/preparedness Actions... do Not Drive Cars...vans...or Trucks Through Flooded Areas...this Is The Cause of Most Flood Related Deaths in washington. be Alert For Rapid Changes and Monitor Developments by Listening to Noaa Weather Radio or Other Local Media.

Be safe out there Gleneagle-ites.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Neighborhood Watch: Mail Theft and Graffiti

There has been some mail theft and graffiti in our neighborhood this past week and, as this is the purpose of this blog, you are being made aware of the problem.  As you know, being aware is the first step in prevention, so let's do what we can to fix this problem.  How can you help?

  1. Be on the look-out for people near mailboxes and parked cars that look suspicious.  If you see anything that looks mischievous, call the police.
  2. Put out-going mail in a locked mailbox, like the one on West Country Club Drive.  If you want to put it in your own box, resist the urge to put the flag up.  If you don't have a secure locking mailbox, consider investing in one.
  3. Tell your neighbors to be on the look-out and to keep their mail safe.
  4. Report any suspicious behavior to the police by dialing 911.
Let's try to make this kind of crime infrequent in Gleneagle.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Board Meeting Records

If you attended the last meeting, or got e-mails about it, I'm sure you are aware there are video copies of the meeting that you can watch.  For me personally this was handy because although I am a decent note-taker, without the videos there was no way to fully communicate all the information and the tone of the meeting to my husband who stayed home.

The idea is out there to purchase a camcorder to record all meetings and post the videos for the purpose of informing those who can't attend and for "backing-up" the contents of the minutes.  It would be easy to solve arguments over what happened at a meeting if all it took was reviewing a video.

What are your thoughts on this?  What Association events would you like to see recorded?  Or do you think we should not be recording at all?  What do you think is a reasonable amount to spend on a camcorder for this purpose?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Who are the ROMEOs?

ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) is a Gleneagle based group of retired men
who meet every Wednesday at the Gleneagle Clubhouse from 10:00 am to 11:30 am.
What started as a gathering of retirees to just sit, drink coffee and talk has developed
into a large group with wide-ranging interests, all walks of life and of varied

The group has regular speakers from inside and outside the community to give talks
on a variety of subjects such as Archeology, Finance, Genealogy, History, Legal
Affairs, State and local Police, Arts and Crafts, Coping with Loss of a Loved One,
Downsizing One’s Home, Memories of WWII, etc.
Some members form part of the core Gleneagle Security Patrol and are also
volunteers at the Pioneer Elementary School, assisting teachers in various classes.
There are also side interest groups such as the Investment Club, who meet regularly
after the main meetings.
Nothing is formal and members can attend or not as they choose. Some members also
stay and eat lunch after the meeting. The cost of $5 per session includes the use of the
meeting place, coffee, tea, juices and muffins. In addition, if members stay for lunch,
$3 of the meeting cost goes towards the price of the lunch! This really is a great deal!
The group is always open to new Gleneagle residents and it’s a great way to get to
know one’s neighbors!
For more information just show up at the Clubhouse on a Wednesday morning at
10:00 am or contact any of the following:
Gary Whitley
Phone: 360-474-1178
Frank Barden
Phone: 360-435-9123
Frank Carlson
Phone: 360-435-2066
Don Williamson
Phone: 360-435-9008
Scott Tomkins
Phone 360-403-9565
Bill Garman
Phone 360-435-4774

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is our Majority?

A lot of talk has gone around about changing the governing documents and I think we all agree that this is something that needs to be done.  The question is, do we need to also change the majority required to pass motions?  Should we use a super majority or a simple majority?

A super majority is 66.67 percent of homeowners voting in the affirmative.

A simple majority is 51 percent of homeowners voting in the affirmative.

There is super majority language currently in the documents.  Are you in favor of keeping it that way?  We have gotten that number of votes before and some like that it is difficult to make changes here.  Are you in favor of going to a simple majority?  Should it be easier to get things done?  Weigh in with your opinion and you can always join the conversation at the Gleneagle Google Groups page.

How to Be on the Board and the Future of that Process

The Association's Nomination Committee is currently seeking interested candidates for the open Board of Directions postitions.  Anyone wanting to serve in this capacity can submit their names for consideration to John Branthoover.  You will be provided with a questionnaire and will be interviewed by the Nomination Committee,  which consists of two home owners and one board member on the review committee.

As this seems to be our season of examining the way we do things here in Gleneagle, are there ways we could make this process better? More thorough? More official?

Here is the opinion of one resident on the matter:

Psychology shows us that people tend to gravitate toward like-minded thinkers when in small groups, so three people are not enough to provide objectivity when interviewing candidates.  Instead of an interview, the following would be a better, more objective, indicator of suitability:

  • Criminal Background Check
  • Proof of Citizenship
  • Letters of Recommendation from at least three homeowners residing in Gleneagle

After submission of these items, a committee could convene to review and verify these items.

Since this condensed from the original, I you are interested in reading the whole argument for this new way of selecting Board of Directors candidates, click here.

What do you think about this?  Do you like it the way it is just fine?  Would you like to see something totally different?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sex Offender Alert

Be aware, there is a level three sex offender living down by the Arlington Cemetery.  This is less than two miles away from Gleneagle.  Like the Sheriff's Department website say, this person is not currently wanted by the law, but according to the notice, is assessed at a high level to re-offend.

Click here to see pictures and details relating to this person.

Please, please, please take this opportunity to talk to your kids or grandkids about how to act around strangers, who good strangers are, and what to do if approached by a suspicious person.  There are more suggestions at the Sheriff's website here.

You have the ability to do a search for offenders based on your address and currently there are seventeen offenders living within two miles of Gleneagle.  You also have the ability to be notified via e-mail when there are new offenders moving into the area.

Please use this information to be aware and vigilant.  Make sure to not leave your younger kids unattended outside and if you see any kids being approached by strangers, please step in.  It takes just a moment to make sure kids are safe and you could be preventing something terrible.  Let's make sure that Gleneagle is an inconvenient place to commit crimes of any types.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Come meet your neighbors

Just in case you missed the announcement, there is an important community meeting coming up.

WHEN: Saturday February 4th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
WHERE: Gleneagle Clubhouse

This is a chance to meet your neighbors and Board members, find out how you can get involved, and bring up any questions or concerns you might have.  This is also a great chance to try out our clubhouse restaurant if you haven't already.

Find Gleneagle Online!

Some association homeowners have come together to create additional sites at the Internet to complement
and enhance the association’s Web-site.

Below are the links to all, so you may save to your Bookmarks.

Also included is the e-mail address for each site’s Host who will be pleased to assist you with access to,
or the use of their sites:

Gleneagle Google Group
Host: Brian Brewder

Gleneagle Living facebook page
Host: Jessica Edwards

Gleneagle Connection Blog
Host: Jody Lenius

Association Website
Host: To be determined: