Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Who are the ROMEOs?

ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) is a Gleneagle based group of retired men
who meet every Wednesday at the Gleneagle Clubhouse from 10:00 am to 11:30 am.
What started as a gathering of retirees to just sit, drink coffee and talk has developed
into a large group with wide-ranging interests, all walks of life and of varied

The group has regular speakers from inside and outside the community to give talks
on a variety of subjects such as Archeology, Finance, Genealogy, History, Legal
Affairs, State and local Police, Arts and Crafts, Coping with Loss of a Loved One,
Downsizing One’s Home, Memories of WWII, etc.
Some members form part of the core Gleneagle Security Patrol and are also
volunteers at the Pioneer Elementary School, assisting teachers in various classes.
There are also side interest groups such as the Investment Club, who meet regularly
after the main meetings.
Nothing is formal and members can attend or not as they choose. Some members also
stay and eat lunch after the meeting. The cost of $5 per session includes the use of the
meeting place, coffee, tea, juices and muffins. In addition, if members stay for lunch,
$3 of the meeting cost goes towards the price of the lunch! This really is a great deal!
The group is always open to new Gleneagle residents and it’s a great way to get to
know one’s neighbors!
For more information just show up at the Clubhouse on a Wednesday morning at
10:00 am or contact any of the following:
Gary Whitley
Phone: 360-474-1178
Frank Barden
Phone: 360-435-9123
Frank Carlson
Phone: 360-435-2066
Don Williamson
Phone: 360-435-9008
Scott Tomkins
Phone 360-403-9565
Bill Garman
Phone 360-435-4774

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