In the past, several previous boards have sought to address the numerous inconsistencies within our various governing documents. This task was/is not trivial and it is this boards intent to build upon the hard work of those prior with the establishment of the "governing document review task team".
But first, in order to understand the challenges with such an endeavor we must look back a bit on the origination of our Declarations, Articles, Rules/Regs, and By-Laws. When the community was run by the developers (prior to the efforts led by Hatch's, Schouman's, Riebe's to obtain the control of the board - succeeding in 2002) the governing documents were drafted in such a way so as to protect the best interest of the non-lot owner (developers) who ran the majority on the board at that time.
In 2002, the court decided in our favor and ordered the removal of any/all references to "non-lot owners" within our governing documents. At that time the board acted swiftly in order to satisfy the timeline of the
judgment and to get on with the business at hand of running our own community for the sole benefit of its members. In that hurried process, a few things were overlooked and as a result we, as a community, have recently discover that some loopholes, ones that no one ever thought would ever be exploited, were left in place and still exist today